The Fi App will report your dog's various activities on the Live Tab. See: What Are Activity Cards?
If you see an Activity Card that incorrectly captures your dog's activity, you can report this issue directly in the Fi App. See: What If My Dog’s Activity Is Incorrectly Reported or Captured?
Our algorithm reviews the reported submissions to help us learn and better report your dog's activities.
In addition to reporting, some issues may be easily resolved with quick troubleshooting steps below.
Common Troubleshooting for a Walk Activity Card
Ensure your Fi App is open on your mobile device.
You must keep your Fi App open and running in the background for walk tracking.
If you don't take your smartphone device with you when you walk your dog, and keep the Fi App open in the background, the Fi Collar will power on GPS/LTE. See: Why Is It Important to Keep My Fi App Running at All Times?
Collar connecting to GPS/LTE - If your dog's Fi Collar connects to GPS/LTE instead of your Fi App during an activity, you may receive inaccurate reporting. To resolve this:
- Ensure your Fi App is running in the background
- Ensure your Fi App is up to date (we recommend automatic app updates toggled "on" for your smart phone)
- Ensure your phone's OS (operating system) is up to date
- Restart your phone
- Contact Support
Bluetooth connection breaks - If you are walking your dog off leash or playing fetch, the Bluetooth connection between your dog's collar and Fi App can break as your dog moves away from you.
- If you are outside of a Safe Zone, you'll receive a notification indicating your dog is "without an owner." See: Why Did I Receive A Notification Indicating My Dog Is At A Location Without An Owner?
- To improve your mobile connectivity, see: How Can I Improve My Fi App Mobile Connectivity?
Common Troubleshooting for a Travel or Walk Activity Card
If your dog's travel time tracks as a Walk Card vs. a Travel Card, or vice versa this means Fi's algorithm incorrectly categorized the activity based off the information being reported by your dog's collar.
To fix this, we recommend turning "ON" your phone's motion and fitness data. The Fi App can determine if your dog is walking or in on a car ride by using this feature.
Steps to Turn On Motion & Fitness Data on Your Phone
iOS Option 1:
- Open the Settings menu on your iPhone
- Scroll to the Fi App
Allow Fi to Access:
- Motion & Fitness toggled on
iOS Option 2:
- Open the Settings menu on your iPhone
- Scroll to Privacy
- Scroll to Motion & Fitness
- Ensure Motion & Fitness is toggled on for the Fi App
- Open the Settings menu on your Android
- Tap Apps & notifications
- Tap into the Fi App
Tap Permissions
- Allow Physical activity
Depending on the terrain, you may notice that the movement in the car will capture some segments of the drive as a walk as well. Typically, this will occur on shorter car rides, in local traffic.