If you register a microchip for the owner - See: I am a Vet/Rescue/Breeder, How Do I Register A Fi Nano Microchip For a New Owner? - it will automatically approve the chip and be removed from your account for the privacy of the pet owner. You will not need to approve the microchip manually. You are still on the chip as a secondary point of contact. See: What Does Stock, Active and Review Mean In My Fi Nano Partner Account?
Approving an Owner's Microchip
If you do not register a microchip for the owner, there are two ways for a vet/rescue/breeder to approve an owner's microchip once the pet owner has registered their chip.
- You can approve an owner's microchip from the Fi emails you receive.
- The email Fi sends when an owner has registered a chip "A Fi Nano registration needs your approval!".
- You can approve an owner's microchip by logging in to your Fi Nano Partner Account.
See below for steps on how to proceed with either approving through an email or approving through your Fi Nano Partner Account.
Steps to Approve an Owner's Microchip From Email
If an owner registers their chip on their own - See: Can a New Owner Register Their Fi Nano Microchip? - the vet/rescue/breeder will receive an email from nanosupport@tryfi.com - titled "A Fi Nano registration needs your approval!". This email is informing you that a chip has been registered by an owner and awaiting approval.
From this email, you can reject update, accept update or you can "click here" for more information.
Reject Update
If you click REJECT UPDATE, it will not have an owner assigned to the microchip. It will only have the vet/rescue/breeder's contact information. The only time you should not approve a microchip is if the information of the adopter is incorrect. Once rejected, it will make this chip inactive to the new owner. If you are sure you want to Reject the owner's registration, click REJECT UPDATE. A new screen will pop up saying TRANSFER REJECTED:
Once Rejected the chip will move from Review to Stock in your Fi Nano Partner Account and is now available to be registered to a different owner.
Accept Update
By clicking ACCEPT UPDATE, you are approving the microchip. Once you click ACCEPT UPDATE it will automatically approve the chip for you. A new screen will pop up saying TRANSFER ACCEPTED:
Once approved, the chip is now registered to the owner and will be removed from your account for the privacy of the pet owner. You are still on the chip as a secondary point of contact.
"Click here" to view your current Fi Nano Information
Make sure you log into your Fi Nano Partner Account PRIOR to clicking on "click here" in the email. Once you Log In, "click here" - in the email - and it will open up the chip for your review. You can either click ACCEPT TRANSFER (approve the chip) or Cancel Transfer (reject the chip).
Accept Transfer:
A message will pop up saying Transfer Complete:
This means the chip is approved. Once approved, the chip is now registered to the owner and will be removed from your account for the privacy of the pet owner. You are still on the chip as a secondary point of contact.
Cancel Transfer:
This means the chip is now rejected. The chip will move from the Review status back to Stock in your Fi Nano Partner Account.
Steps To Approve an Owner's Microchip From a Fi Nano Partner Account
Go to nano.tryfi.com and LOG IN to your account.
Click MANAGE CHIPS from the menu:
If you are using a desktop, please fully expand your screen to reveal MANAGE CHIPS:
If you are using a mobile device, tap the 3 stacked lines and then tap MANAGE CHIPS:
Click into Review to see all microchips that are in Review or type in the microchip number in the search bar and click the magnifying glass to search:
TIP: all microchip numbers are 9, 10, or 15 digits long.
Click into the chip you want to approve.
Click on Accept Transfer:
Once the transfer is complete, the microchip is dually registered and updates about the pet and the contact information can now only be edited by the pet's owner. The chip is now approved and registered to the owner, and will be removed from your account for the privacy of the pet owner. You are still on the chip as a secondary point of contact.