The Fi App will track your dog across multiple activities and provide you with their real-time location information directly within the app. The location information displayed in the Fi App is obtained from different connection sources: Fi Base, Wi-Fi, GPS/LTE, and the mobile device(s) of a dog's owner(s). See: How Does the Fi Collar Obtain My Dog’s Location?
If the information in the Live Card is incorrect, you'll want to check what the collar is connected to. See: How Can I See What My Dog’s Fi Collar Is Connected To?
To learn more about the Live Card, see: Live Tab
My Dog Is Home & Connected to My Fi Base or Wi-Fi, but the Fi App Is Not Showing My Dog at Home
If the collar is connected to the base or Wi-Fi, ensure the locations set for the Fi Charging Base and Wi-Fi in the app match the location set for your safe zone. You can check this in the Fi App menu by going to Wi-Fi Networks and Bases.
To see the locations, tap on each Base and Wi-Fi network and ensure they are set correctly:
- Open the Fi App.
- Tap your dog's profile picture in the lower right corner. Once you are in the profile, tap the 3 stacked lines to open the Settings Menu:
- Tap on Wi-Fi Networks or Bases, depending on what you want to check:
- If you're checking the location for a Wi-Fi Network, tap on the name of your network to see where the location is set to:
- If you're checking the location for a Fi Base, tap on the name of the base:
- Then, tap SET LOCATION to see where the location is set to:
If you need to update a base's location, see: Troubleshooting: Your Fi Charging Base Appears to be Offline. To update a Wi-Fi Network's location, see: How Do I Add or Remove Wi-Fi Networks?
My Dog Is Home & Connected to My Mobile Device, but Why Is the Fi App Not Showing My Dog and I at Home?
- If the collar is connected to a mobile device, we use the location information provided by that phone as the dog's location. Sometimes phones can provide a location that is somewhat off, and when the Fi Collar relies on a phone to provide the location report, those inaccuracies will be displayed in the Fi App.
- You can double-check your phone's location by opening a map app, such as Google Maps, to see where your phone is locating you.
- Knowing that a phone can report an inaccurate location, we have specific logic to address this issue. If a phone that connects to a Fi Collar is also connected to a Wi-Fi Network known by the collar, we will use the location set for that Wi-Fi Network instead of the location report we receive from your phone.
- The best way to prevent inaccurate reports from your phone is to ensure the Fi Base can always see and connect to the Fi Collar, as this will provide the most reliable location data. See: Fi Base: How It Works
Troubleshooting Help
These issues are quick to troubleshoot, and if you need more help, you can submit a troubleshooting request via the form here: Submit a request
Please include the following information:
1. The time the location was incorrect.
2. Where your dog actually was.
3. Where the app showed they were.