Every foster parent will need to set up a Fi Base in their home. See: I Am Fostering a Dog with a Fi Collar, How Do I Set Up My Fi Account?
Depending on your agreement with the foster, you'll want to follow a specific set up.
Frequent Foster Parent
For frequent fosters, who often have foster dogs at their home, we suggest ordering spare Fi Bases. This way, a base can be assigned to each foster, instead of asking a foster to set up multiple bases multiple times.
When you give the foster parent a base, they can set it up and label the base. Send them article: I Am Fostering a Dog with a Fi Collar, How Do I Set Up My Fi Account?
- TIP: You can also rename the base if you prefer. Once the foster sets up the base, you can rename the base by going to Bases under Menu. This helps keep track of who has which base! See:How Do I Manage My Fi Base(s)?
If a foster no longer needs a Fi Base, make sure you have the foster unlink the Fi Base from their account so it can be used again. See: How Do I Unlink A Fi Base From My Account? But, a foster should hold on to the Fi Base for as long as they are fostering- any as any Fi Collar can pair to any Fi Base, they are not specifically assigned to one another.
New Fosters/ Fosters Occasionally
For infrequent foster parents, who do not often have foster dogs at their home, we suggest they return the base with the rescue collar when the dog is being adopted or returning to the rescue.
It is important that they unlink the base within their Fi App, or else the base will not be available to pair with a new user. See: How Do I Unlink A Fi Base From My Account?
NOTE: If another user previously set up the base you gave to the foster (i.e. another foster), it may fail when activated. If this happens, please fill out this form with the base serial number.