The Live Tab provides an overview of your dog's activity. To access, tap Live in the bottom menu:
Insights is a quick overview of your dog's activity (Rest and Steps) for the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 day period. You will only receive these Insights alerts if there is a significant change in your dog's Rest or Steps.
To delve deeper into Insights, simply tap the arrow next to the overview:
You can also view the activity page associated with the insight by tapping View Activity >. To dismiss Insights, tap X Clear in the upper right-hand corner:
Live Map Card
The Live Map Card is hosted at the top of your Live Tab, displaying your dog's Fi Collar status and their whereabouts.
Within the Live Map Card, you can:
- View your Fi Collar's battery percentage & status.
- Turn your Fi Light ON/OFF & change the Fi Light color. See: How Do I Turn My Fi Light On or Off On My Fi Collar?
- See the location of your dog, how long they have been there and what connection source they are connected to.
- Tap into Live Tracking/Lost Dog Mode. See: How Do I Turn ON/OFF Live Tracking/Lost Dog Mode?
Switch Between Multiple Dog Profiles
If you have more than one dog, there are a few different ways you can easily switch to another dog's profile in the Live Tab:
- Tap on your dog's name shown in the upper left hand corner of your screen.
- Tap and hold your dog's profile picture.
→ Learn more: How Do I Switch Between Multiple Dogs in the Fi App?
Tap the bell icon located in the top right corner of the Live Tab to access your Inbox. With social settings enabled, your Inbox displays alerts from Fi friends who have liked or commented on your dog's photos, notifications about new followers, updates when pets you follow post, and links to Fi news articles.
→ Learn more: What Are Social Notifications?
Steps & Activity
Fi wants to help your dog engage in an active, healthy lifestyle. The Live Tab summarizes the steps they are taking throughout the day, giving insight into how close they are to their goal. To set your step goal or see past activity, simply tap on the Steps summary to see your dog's activity overview.
→ Learn more: How Can I Track My Dog's Activity?
Rest, Sleep & Naps
Is your dog resting enough between all those steps they are taking? Find out through the Rest metrics Fi offers.
→ Learn more: How Can I Track My Dog's Sleep?
Your dog can engage in friendly competition through Fi's various packs within the Rank Tab. The Live Tab scrolls through each of your dog's current standings for every Fi Pack they participate in, allowing you to keep track of their performance against their competitors.
→ Learn more: Rank Tab
Last Walk
See a snapshot of your dog's last walk directly in the Live Tab. Tap on the walk to learn more.
→ Learn more: Activity Tracking: Walks
Referral Program
Each user is given a unique referral code to share with friends. Invite more friends to Fi and get a free month once they activate their Fi Collar.
→ Learn more: What is Fi's Referral Program?